Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Feature - Custom Entries

Custom Entries is a unique feature that Merxcore CRM offers its users.

Custom Entries gives users a chance to create their own entry for each card type. A custom entry can be one of 4 types:
- Normal Entry ()
- Text Box Entry
- Repeating Entry (will be just like the normal entry with the ability to add multiples)
- Yes or no Entry ()

A Normal Entry is your basic entry box. It has a title set by the user and then it is displayed as Title

A Text Box is much the same as a Normal Entry except that it allows users to add much longer information into the field. This type of entry is good for notes and other data fields.

Repeating Entries are good for things like phone numbers, email addresses, etc. They are created in much the same way as a Normal Entry. When they are displayed they show a button after the input box for adding a new box. This creates unlimited entries for the same labels.

Yes or no entries are given a title and then when shown, display a yes or no option beside the title.

Custom Entries are a unique and very useful feature of Merxcore CRM. To learn more please visit http://www.merxcore.com/

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